Sunday, January 13, 2019

Hi Emma G!

Do you remember Emma Grace from Outer Space?! Did Alexis and her parents call you that? Very cute :)

Zan and Taj and Auntie D-De were here for Thanksgiving. We stayed on Lake Superior at a beautiful resort. I wish you could have visited. It was very pretty to watch the sunrise over the lake and hear the waves crashing at night. There was a Thanksgiving parade in town and the people were throwing candy...of course the boys loved it, but just like your daddy used to do with you at Halloween, I gave the boys only 10 pieces to choose. Taj still doesn't like to brush his teeth but Zan is getting better!

We miss you more than you will ever know. I think about you every day. Several times a day. Every single day!

Are you still swimming or horseback riding? What kind of sports are you involved with now?

I love you, Emma G.

Auntie Jo

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Another New Year

Good Morning Emma Grace,
It is now another new year and cold outside here today.  Gives me an excuse to wear your daddy’s sweatshirt from the Naples Winter Wine Festival.  The annual fund raiser is coming up and I’m sure lots of underserved children will be given more attention after this is over once again.  It’s so great that the wealthy can have fun while fulfilling so many needs for the poor and disabled.  Sometimes we’re not given a choice in life and this helps many people. I wish them luck and good fortune this year.
How are you, my sweet little girl?  Sometimes it’s hard to compose letters to you because I don’t know your interests anymore, your likes and dislikes, what makes you happy and sad.  I can only hope and pray that your life without all of Daddy’s family is ok for you.  I come and go from Naples and always look for you. In this age of social media, I think your mother keeps you hidden and away from so many who love you.  I pray that her mental illness will be taken away by the grace of God.
Your Daddy is with you protecting you as he always had to.  So make this year 2019 a great one and blossom into a wonderful young lady who cares for others and loves herself.
As always, your Grammie loves the moon and back!