We all love you dearly, Emma Grace. Grammie, Grandpa, Auntie DDe', Auntie Jo, Zan and Taj.
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Good Morning Honey
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Happy Hot Days of August
You are so beautiful, inside and out.

Hi Emma, I hope this day finds you happy and safe. How has your summer been for you? Did you visit your grandfather in Minnesota? Probably a little cooler up there anyway. Grandpa Bud and I are still staying close to home as the numbers of Covid patients rise. I am throwing my cares to the wind though and coming to Naples for a month again. Might as well be there as here in NC. Temperatures are nearly the same. Zan and Taj have started school and adjusting to being back in the classroom. Their schools are not far from you, you know. We miss you and want you back and don't understand how a mother can keep her child away from loving family members that love her.
Do you remember Mr. Buddy, our neighbor next door? Well he's 93 years old now and confused so he doesn't live next to us anymore. He can't live alone. He is living in an assisted living facility so nurses and helpers can care for him when needed. Do you remember going over to his house and getting 4th of July decorations for our golf cart for the parade on July 4th? You and Mr. Buddy's great great grandson, Jordan, played and twirled around our yard with sparklers . You were like a ballerina with your long hair and your sundress floating as the sun went down that night. We were so proud of you and the polite happy little girl you were. You were so easy to love and hang around with. We will again, don't worry. It will be an adjustment but love conquers all fears. Love and faith. I don't know what I would do without my faith in God. I pray God is keeping you safe where you are living. I pray for your mother too, for her courage to be a good mother and to be healthy. Healthy in body, mind and spirit.
Well, my dear, that's all for today. You are always on our minds and in our hearts. Always.
Love you,
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Good Morning Honey
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
How are you doing Emma
Hi Sweetheart, just sitting on our porch and thinking about you and what you’re doing these days. Since COVID has reared it’s ugly head, we are again staying close to home although we just returned from the Naples area where Auntie Jo and I spent a month and Grandpa flew down door a couple weeks. We miss you all the time but especially when we’re so close to you. While there we have fun investigating new areas and places to go and see. Grandpa and I drove to Everglades city for the day. Had lunch at the Rod and Gun Club and went through the museum. Back in the 1940 and 1950’s, I think the city was bustling but now it’s a sleepy town. I practiced pronouncing the names of the Indian tribes as we passed by their land or what used to be their land. Chokoloskee was the most fun to say. Once I had it right, I was good to go!! They first settled in the 1870’s on land used to belong to the Calusa Indians. That region of Florida and around the ten thousand islands are rich in history with the merging of the settlers and Indians. The land is still so raw and untouched. Beautiful. Chokoloskee means “old home” in Indian. Didn’t know that but googled it and you know, google knows almost everything!! So they say anyway!
Have been watching Netflix “Homeland” and enjoying the scenic shots of Alberta, Canada. It’s about this teenager, named Amy, who is known for her kindness and love for horses. She’s called a horse whisperer so people bring their horses to her to “cure”. Kind of. Sometimes the horse is just picking up the tension from the rider so she brings it to the riders attention and then works on it. All sorts of storylines in the show.
Well, it’s time to sign off for today. I love you, I miss you and anxious for you to return to our loving family.
Your forever Grammie is here waiting