Sunday, June 23, 2024

Summertime is definitely here

 Good Morning Emma,

A short hello to you this very warm day in June.  I can’t believe how fast the time goes by these days.  Grandpa and I will be going to Indiana soon for Grandpa’s sister’s 91st birthday.  Sounds old doesn’t it?  Well it is and Mary is lucky to still be able to enjoy family and friends and be in her own home. Isn’t that wonderful?  

I wonder what your summer plans are and where you might be traveling to.  Wherever you go have fun and continue to be the sweet girl I once knew.  As my dad would say to all seven of us as he left for work in the morning, “ Be good and be careful”.

Hope you are happy.  Love, Grammie

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Good morning Emma

 Today is Father’s Day, 2024 and when I picked up my phone today a wonderful happy picture of your dad was right there . It was kind of like he was saying, “good morning Mom”.   Kind of surprised me at first but glad of being reminded of how much he loved me, where he is, with God in Heaven, his ultimate destiny.  My next thought was how proud he was of you.  He said that creating you with the love he had for your mother at the time was the best thing he ever did.  He was a man of great accomplishments and you were his greatest.  So Happy Father’s Day Todd, my son, your daddy, brother of Dama and Jody, uncle of Źan and Taj.  God’s Will placed him on earth with us and God’s will made him your dad.  For seven short years he loved you beyond any words or dreams you can ever imagine. I’m sorry his heart wasn't strong enough to stay here. Your life would have been much different, not isolated from family and people who love you and want the best for you.  

Thats all!  I’ve said my piece for today. You are always in my prayers.  Love,   Grammie