Hi Emma Grace,
Christmas is almost here and Grandpa and I will be staying home this year. That’s okay because I planned it that way. I needed to have a procedure done on my eyes so I dedicated this month to taking care of myself. I will drive to Naples and have Christmas with your Auntie and cousins later. Maybe Grandpa will go with me this time. He would love the warm weather at this time of the year although it’s nice here in Ocean Isle and all I have to wear is a sweater.
Well, have a nice holiday and Love Jesus! He’s the one who is keeping you safe from the drugs and alcohol that surround you.
I carry your Heart ❤️ with me everywhere.
Love, Your Grammie
We all love you dearly, Emma Grace. Grammie, Grandpa, Auntie DDe', Auntie Jo, Zan and Taj.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Friday, October 26, 2018
Halloween is almost here
Hi Emma Grace,
I am in Naples, visiting and enjoying the warm weather here. I always look for you wherever I go hoping I can see you again. Leaving soon but wanted to show you your cute cousins.

We’re in front of Zan and Taj’s house where they ride their bikes and play. Hope you are happy and okay honey. Love you. Oh I have some good news for your have another cousin born today. Her name is Merritt Putnam and was born this morning at 4:23am in California. She is so precious. Anyway, wanted to say hello to you and tell you that you are always on my mind.
Love you ten thousand times❤️.
Your Grammie

Thursday, September 27, 2018
Happy Birthday Emma Grace
Good Morning Emma!
I hope you have a very, very happy birthday with fun and kindness. You are 11years old today And I wish only happiness and fulfillment for you. I haven’t seen you since you were six so I’ll bet you are beautifully tall and gorgeous. Remember to always walk with your shoulders back like you were shown in yoga when your were little. What are your favorites now? Food, color, subject in school, friends, sport, holiday...etc.
We’re in Northern Virginia now staying with Grandpa’s son and family. They have four children ages 8,7,3 and 11 months. Busy, busy around here. This month grandpa and I have had to evacuate our home in North Carolina because Hurricane Florence was heading right for our beach. So we went to a beautiful little town inland. There were six adults, four dogs and a parrot in the same home and then we lost power there due to the hurricane wind and rain. We had lots of fun conversations while we waited for the storm to pass. We had a generator so we were okay. Five days later we drove home through flooded towns. We saw homes that looked like islands because the water was up to their front door. I felt so bad for them. People were there to help them too. When we got home, Mr. Buddy, our next door neighbor, had lots of water damage to his house and lots of people are helping him rebuild his house. We didn’t have any damage to our home so we feel blessed.
Auntie Jo flew down to see Taj and Zan and Auntie DDe. I drive down to Naples often and feel sad I can’t see you. Maybe your Mom will change her mind someday. We’ll see.
Well, my sweet granddaughter, have a super day and Grammie loves you to the moon and back!
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Summer is almost over
Good Morning Emma Grace,
How are you doing? If you are still in Naples, then I know that school has started for you. I’m sure you’re growing up to be a beautiful young lady. Is your hair long or short now? Blond or brown? Your daddy’s hair got darker as he got older so I’ll bet yours is too. Grandpa and I just got back from a mini vacation in the outer banks of NC. We went to visit Grandpa’s daughter Kim and her family in Frisco. A quiet town on a narrow part of the island. We woke up every day to the sounds of the Atlantic Ocean. Kim and her husband Don have two children and they are close in age to you. They were born 6 months after you and going into the fifth grade. I really enjoyed walking on the beach with them, choosing just the right sea shells for their collection. We were curious why some shells were different colors and shapes so when we got back, we “googled” it and that made our adventure even better. Zan and I went sea shell hunting on our beach this summer too. We made a sea shell frame with them. Zan is really into erecting structures out of those small legos. I’ll bet you’d have more in common with Zan now that he is older. You always were so good to both Zan and Taj so the age difference probably doesn’t matter anyway. Taj has entered primary level now and doing better. Progress is slow but he is a delight and he loves his cars! Grandpa and I are planting gardenia bushes today. It is so humid here. Much like in Naples. Looking forward to some dryer cooler weather.
Well, my sweet little girl, I will bid you farewell for now. Be good, be careful and remember Grammie loves to the moon and back.
How are you doing? If you are still in Naples, then I know that school has started for you. I’m sure you’re growing up to be a beautiful young lady. Is your hair long or short now? Blond or brown? Your daddy’s hair got darker as he got older so I’ll bet yours is too. Grandpa and I just got back from a mini vacation in the outer banks of NC. We went to visit Grandpa’s daughter Kim and her family in Frisco. A quiet town on a narrow part of the island. We woke up every day to the sounds of the Atlantic Ocean. Kim and her husband Don have two children and they are close in age to you. They were born 6 months after you and going into the fifth grade. I really enjoyed walking on the beach with them, choosing just the right sea shells for their collection. We were curious why some shells were different colors and shapes so when we got back, we “googled” it and that made our adventure even better. Zan and I went sea shell hunting on our beach this summer too. We made a sea shell frame with them. Zan is really into erecting structures out of those small legos. I’ll bet you’d have more in common with Zan now that he is older. You always were so good to both Zan and Taj so the age difference probably doesn’t matter anyway. Taj has entered primary level now and doing better. Progress is slow but he is a delight and he loves his cars! Grandpa and I are planting gardenia bushes today. It is so humid here. Much like in Naples. Looking forward to some dryer cooler weather.
Well, my sweet little girl, I will bid you farewell for now. Be good, be careful and remember Grammie loves to the moon and back.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Dear Emma,
I have not seen you since Uncle T died. How is your school? Is it fun? Does it have two snacks, lunch, recess, math, fine arts, language arts, history, science, French, chess, lego club, reading? I go to Mason Classical Academy and it is close to your school. I bet you haven’t used a weed wacker. I learned how to use it at Grammies and Grandpas. I will teach you how to drive the golf cart. I learned how to use the rider mower too. I will teach you how to fish. I caught a yellow poisonous puffer fish with Grandpa and we brought it back to show Grammie and Taj then threw it back into the pond behind Mr. Buddy’s house. The Christmas at Auntie Jo’s was so fun. I got a present as big as my arms and Taj got a big present but smaller than mine. We went sledding too but couldn’t stay out too long because it was too cold. Every five minutes we had to go back into the car to get warm. The hill was so big I jumped over a little ditch. We went to a different hill before we went to the big hill and I hit a little pile of snow and it went into my shirt and my face. I just finished 2nd grade and going into 3rd grade. Uncle john and aunt Carmen’s house is so big you wouldn’t even believe it. They have two dogs and I get to swim in the pool. Their driveway is really long. They have a beautiful garden.
Your cousin, Ε½an
I have not seen you since Uncle T died. How is your school? Is it fun? Does it have two snacks, lunch, recess, math, fine arts, language arts, history, science, French, chess, lego club, reading? I go to Mason Classical Academy and it is close to your school. I bet you haven’t used a weed wacker. I learned how to use it at Grammies and Grandpas. I will teach you how to drive the golf cart. I learned how to use the rider mower too. I will teach you how to fish. I caught a yellow poisonous puffer fish with Grandpa and we brought it back to show Grammie and Taj then threw it back into the pond behind Mr. Buddy’s house. The Christmas at Auntie Jo’s was so fun. I got a present as big as my arms and Taj got a big present but smaller than mine. We went sledding too but couldn’t stay out too long because it was too cold. Every five minutes we had to go back into the car to get warm. The hill was so big I jumped over a little ditch. We went to a different hill before we went to the big hill and I hit a little pile of snow and it went into my shirt and my face. I just finished 2nd grade and going into 3rd grade. Uncle john and aunt Carmen’s house is so big you wouldn’t even believe it. They have two dogs and I get to swim in the pool. Their driveway is really long. They have a beautiful garden.
Your cousin, Ε½an
Saturday, April 21, 2018
While talking with my friend, Louise, today I told her of my little daydream during my morning reading. You see every morning since you “left” us I wake up, go the living room, sit down on the couch and read the days reading from Jesus Calling, then a couple chapters from my bible followed up with stories from my “God Wink” book. Since you left us I find peace in these words written on simple paper trying to deal with a not so simple issue of your welfare, safety and happiness. So many people have let you down and I am sorry for that. We tried our best, I promise you that. We were always truthful and honest. Unfortunately, the truth does not always win.
My daydream was to have my doorbell ring, yes that early in the morning during “my time on the couch” and then go to the door to find you there. We both smile. We sit on the couch together, I hold you and everything is OK. We talk and then talk some more....My little boy’s sweet daughter was back with us. God bless you Emma Grace. I love you to the moon and back.......Grammie
My daydream was to have my doorbell ring, yes that early in the morning during “my time on the couch” and then go to the door to find you there. We both smile. We sit on the couch together, I hold you and everything is OK. We talk and then talk some more....My little boy’s sweet daughter was back with us. God bless you Emma Grace. I love you to the moon and back.......Grammie
Good Morning
Hi Emma Grace, today is Saturday, April 21, 2018, the sun is out and the golfers have been out playing since 7:45am. Ooo brrr, little chilly here. We has friends over last evening and laughed and learned and enjoyed ourselves. Zan and Taj have four ducks that fly into their yard to visit on a regular basis. They have named them....Jack, Sally, Rex and Lex. Cute. They come and go as they please. My thought and prayer for you today is that Love does not bind and isolate. Love gives freedom. The boys feel the freedom to love anyone they choose and they choose to love you. No we can’t sit beside you, talk with you, hold you in our arms but we can continue to love you. You are our blood.
May God keep you in the palm of his hand. Love, Grammie 703-577-5746, mpandbud@gmail.com
May God keep you in the palm of his hand. Love, Grammie 703-577-5746, mpandbud@gmail.com
Monday, April 2, 2018
Good Morning Emma Grace, I found this sweet photo of you and Zan and know you would enjoy seeing it. It’s the day after Easter, 2018 and here in NC the weather is nice and sunny π. Auntie Jo is experiencing some very cold snowy weather but looking forward to seeing everyone in Naples very soon. Grandpa had his knee replaced and doing very well. He graduated from the walker to the cane and soon will be off that too so that’s all good news.
I hope you had a nice Easter and wherever you are, that you are safe and happy.
Be kind, courteous and help others if you can and be kind to yourself. We are praying for your mother and her mother. They desperately need our prayers and we pray that God changes their hearts. The Lord is the only one who can do it.
Love ❤️ you Sweet Emma, Your Gram
Monday, March 19, 2018
Friday, March 9, 2018
Good Morning My Sweet Granddaughter,
It has been 73 days since I last wrote you but I must tell you that each and everyday I think of you, pray for you and remember your sweet face. Some days I shed a tear or two because we have been separated. I have to remind myself everyday that it is Gods will that you are alone with your mother and her family and not with your Daddy’s. I cannot question Gods plan because He is always right. I feel rest assured that you will take this experience in your life and help other children who are in the same situation that you’re in now. Maybe some day you can change the court system so they think of the child’s welfare and not their own corrupt, lazy reasons.
The boys are getting so big. Zan is studying fractions now and got 100% on his very hard spelling test. He is so smart. Taj is speaking much better and is progressing. They are both very sensitive, good kids. They pray for you each night as we all do.
Grandpa is having his knee replaced this Monday the 12th. Like so many of us we are grateful that replacements are available! You are going to have another cousin born in October. Yes, you have many cousins. As my brother, your Uncle Jim said, “another leaf π on the Putnam tree”. I have saved you the ancestry information so you will know the goodness of a wonderful family that waits in the wings for you. By the time you can see us again, some of my siblings may have passed away because we are getting on in years. Just know that they too grieve your loss from our family.
Well, I didn’t expect to write so much but my fingers kept on moving and here we are.
My constant love π to you. Until we meet again...........Grammie
It has been 73 days since I last wrote you but I must tell you that each and everyday I think of you, pray for you and remember your sweet face. Some days I shed a tear or two because we have been separated. I have to remind myself everyday that it is Gods will that you are alone with your mother and her family and not with your Daddy’s. I cannot question Gods plan because He is always right. I feel rest assured that you will take this experience in your life and help other children who are in the same situation that you’re in now. Maybe some day you can change the court system so they think of the child’s welfare and not their own corrupt, lazy reasons.
The boys are getting so big. Zan is studying fractions now and got 100% on his very hard spelling test. He is so smart. Taj is speaking much better and is progressing. They are both very sensitive, good kids. They pray for you each night as we all do.
Grandpa is having his knee replaced this Monday the 12th. Like so many of us we are grateful that replacements are available! You are going to have another cousin born in October. Yes, you have many cousins. As my brother, your Uncle Jim said, “another leaf π on the Putnam tree”. I have saved you the ancestry information so you will know the goodness of a wonderful family that waits in the wings for you. By the time you can see us again, some of my siblings may have passed away because we are getting on in years. Just know that they too grieve your loss from our family.
Well, I didn’t expect to write so much but my fingers kept on moving and here we are.
My constant love π to you. Until we meet again...........Grammie
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