My sweet Emma, you are 12 years old today and I hope you have a fabulous day. It is Friday and you have a weekend ahead of you so enjoy yourself.
We are all still here and loving you from afar. We don’t know the school you go to or where you live so your mother’s plans to keep us from you has succeeded. I hope she hasn’t brainwashed you into believing that we have abandoned you and that we don’t care.
What your mother doesn’t know is that I have forgiven her for what she has done. In my mind I have let her go, as well as Barbara and We are moving on without your physical presence in our lives but the weight of anger has lifted because I no longer have that in my heart. That goes for your two aunts as well. Žan and Taj remember your face because they have a photo of you in their house. As all young children do, they continue to grow in love and care from those around them and the giggles and wonderful memories continue. It is sad that your cousins live close by and you can’t play with them or go to events with them.
Keep your goodness and purity about you. Do well in school. You will grow up to be a successful advocate for children someday. Children that can’t help themselves but have to rely on adults to make life changing decisions for them.
I’m sure you are still a considerate beautiful and smart young lady. Do only what is right and please don’t be coerced by anybody to do anything you feel is wrong. I trust you and love you. You know I always tell you the truth.
As always, I am here at 703-577-5746. Leave a message if I don’t answer. Don’t be afraid to call.
Love, Grammie