Monday, June 8, 2020

A Video for you, EG - xo

Hi Emma!
I wanted to make sure you had access to this video that was played at your daddy's Celebration of Life.  Below is the excerpt that accompanies the video. I wrote it back in 2015. 

Celebrating the life of Todd Foege July 8, 1977- July 2, 2015
Dear family and friends of Todd Foege,
This video was created for his memorial service held in Naples, Florida on July 12, 2015.  It was woven between the different friends and family who shared eloquently from their hearts. Our family is forever grateful for all the love and support we have received. He will be missed, beyond words. Please keep his daughter, Emma Grace in your thoughts and prayers as her healing journey has just begun. It takes a village.. She is a bright, sensitive little girl with her entire life before her to wield magic and come into her power and purpose. The apple does not fall too far from the tree. 

These images and snippets of iphone vids were compiled from many sources and the movie was created quickly during a shocking and emotional week for all of us. Please excuse the quality of some of the images and any discrepancies.. 
Forgive fully, love deeply... Life is Precious. 
Rest in Peace brother,
-Naples Daily News-
We love you Emma! 
We have always been here and will always be there for you no matter what!
xoxox, Auntie DDé and the boys