Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A day to be glad and a day to be sad

 Hello Emma Grace Foege,       ~The month of July~

Your dad was born into a loving family on July 8th and he left a loving family on July 2nd.  

This is your grandmother who was one of your best friends at one time.  It was so good then.  Before your dad died we spent lots of fun times together.  We were close and happily loved one another.  It was natural loving relationship.  Today it’s a different story it appears.  You should know that Brainwashing is child abuse and dangerous and you are the victim in this terrible plot.  It leaves you with questions and a lot of untruths.  Lots of lies to hide their motive.  You have been brainwashed without question.  It’s a powerful tool of control and manipulation.  Who in their right mind keeps a child isolated, manipulated and controlled like you’ve been.  Who in their right mind teaches their child to hate their grandmother who is good and loving.  A very disturbed, to put it mildly, mother and her boyfriend.  That’s who and I don’t know why.  Why doesn’t she love you more than money expected and another man. There’s always a motive behind their actions.  

It’s been nine years since your dad had his heart attack and died and you were taken away like a prisoner.  Isolated and denied the right to see me or any of your real daddy’s family. 

Someday, maybe never, you’ll realize what has happened to you over the past nine years.   I pray for you everyday.  God is watching you and the other people in your house.  God will take care of you and he will judge the others. 

Someday you will know that.  Such a waste of time.  You will know. You have so many loving, caring people who are waiting for you, who knew you when before your life turned around so dramatically.  

My life continues and I have the freedom to love and be with whomever I wish.  Your dad’s family is loving and wish the best for you.  We are not into manipulation and coercive behavior.  I have freedom and I want that for you. 

I get to see my grandsons happy faces on FaceTime when I’m not in Naples.  I get to share valuable time with them when I’m in Naples.   They are precious to me.  They are happy.  Life goes on.  Remember you have choices and you’ve been brainwashed into thinking we are bad. I’m sorry you are in this position.  I really am and you’ve been dealt a very bad hand in life when the only person who truly loved you unconditionally, besides us, died before you could really know him and remember him.  You were so young.  

I understand you don’t know the truth and you may be confused or don’t even know what to think.  Why are you afraid of us.  Silly, disturbing and foolish yet I know it’s very real to you  I think this is downright crazy behavior, melodramatic and stupid.  Reasonable people talk things out, discuss the issues and eventually make some sense of a crazy situation.  We have offered and we had no takers.  

Emma, you are the victim in this and my heart hurts for you.  The people who caused this should be held accountable because they have deprived you of love and attention.  Life is too short to waste time with this garbage  

I’m still your grandmother whether you like it or not and I still love you but I only want the loving girl I once knew and somewhere inside of you, you still are.  
